Friday, March 21, 2014

Health Benefits of kiwifruit during Pregnancy

Kiwi, the fruit originated from newzealand famous bird kiwi. In this post I will discuss the health benefits of that fruit especially during pregnancy. Reveal the nature most delicious vitamins rich food that helps in mostly diseases. Some researcher named it “nutrition well” because it contains much nutrients than any other.

With some unique ingredients like carotenoids, antioxidants kiwi is the most demanded food that recommended by specialist during first trimester or 8th month of pregnancy.

Stronger immune system

Study proves that vitamins C can boost your immune system or regenerated internal tissues during weakness or after any surgery. Mostly heart patient used this via different natural sources, like orange and kiwi. Kiwi run the race against orange in Vitamins C, mostly doesn’t know about that fact and used only orange as a source of that vitamin.

Source of Vitamin E and Potassium

After c section, sometime mostly women experience aging factor around belly or upper body skin. So Vitamin E can resolve this issue in spite of any artificial skin surgery and other laser treatment. Same Potassium can increase the ratio of fiber in blood cell as a result increase platelets. So if nature allow you to control all thing naturally, than why you go for other artificial way. Due to low platelets women experience cardiovascular disease during pregnancy, so make it sure you eat kiwi after breakfast and dinner. Some people use 3 to 4 in daily basis for extra precaution, but there is no harmful or side effect of intake larger quantity.

kiwifruit during pregnancy

Eyes Benefits

Lutein is the antioxidant extremely useful ingredient for eyes health.

How Kiwi beneficial for early stage of Pregnancy

During Pregnancy especially between 2 to 4 of month women need 550 to 850 mcg or micrograms of folic acid. Actually foetus needs some naturally nutritional item for growing their mental wires and hormonal system for fight with diseases. So you much use Kiwi at least one on daily basis during that period.

So you already know the importance of using KIWI in routine life, it will also keep the cholesterol levels calm, due to eat some heavy oily food, or sea food.

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