Tuesday, May 7, 2013

PROSOPAGNOSIA (face blindness)

Prosopagnosia (Face blindness): German neurologist Joachim Bodamer  (1947) used the name Prosopagnosia . He described about a 24-year-old man who

suffered bullet wound to the head and lost  ability to recognize his family , friend even his own face . But he recognized   them through   their habitual activity, body-movement style, and visual stimuli patterns. “Prosopagnosia” came from the paper’s title of Bodamer “Prosop-Agnosie”. It’s a strange and rare disease.
             It’s impairment in face perception caused by a lesion on the temporal lobe.  Our brain’s need nanosecond to compare someone’s face with all of the faces stored in our memory. In this case (Prosopagnosia) temporal lobe lost its activity .

Causes: 1)Neurodegenerative disorders 2)Brain injury 3)Trauma 4)Stoke
Symptom : Lost ability to recognize face
Diagnosis :EEG   ( electroencephalography) , FMRI (Functional magnetic resonance imaging) ,  face memory test .
Treatment : There is no direct treatment but helping the affected to practice ways in compensation of recognizing faces. There are some coping strategies that assist a client in overcoming this disease-
   1)Providing clues as well as accommodate the patient with the other’s voice , hair and cloth’s style .
2)Mr Jordan  who newly discovered a treatment involves lights comprising Sixteen million colors that can change the eyes process information .Some colors are enhancer and others are filtered out which allowing brain to receive all the information .
That’s why we can recognize face separately . Mr Jordan prescribe the suitable lenses by depending  patient’s condition .

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